A văzut o substanță lipicioasă care se prelingea peste tot pe pereții din casă, când și-a dat seama ce era, a fugit panicată. Erau peste 35.000, și erau în casa ei!

A woman who saw honey dripping down her bedroom walls was stunned to discover 35,000 BEES living in her ceiling. See SWNS story SWBEES; Cherisse Mulzac started noticing bees in her apartment a year ago but thought little of it. It wasn’t until she saw a strange, sticky substance dripping down her walls – and realised it was beads of HONEY – that she called in a beekeeper. Astonishing footage shows pest controller Mickey Hegedus, 52, cutting a 4ft-hole in Cherisse’s ceiling – to find approximately 35,000 honeybees. He estimates that he also found 60 to 70lbs.Mickey transported the bees back to his home in Brooklyn, New York where he keeps them in hives in his back garden.
A woman who saw honey dripping down her bedroom walls was stunned to discover 35,000 BEES living in her ceiling. See SWNS story SWBEES; Cherisse Mulzac started noticing bees in her apartment a year ago but thought little of it. It wasn’t until she saw a strange, sticky substance dripping down her walls – and realised it was beads of HONEY – that she called in a beekeeper. Astonishing footage shows pest controller Mickey Hegedus, 52, cutting a 4ft-hole in Cherisse’s ceiling – to find approximately 35,000 honeybees. He estimates that he also found 60 to 70lbs.Mickey transported the bees back to his home in Brooklyn, New York where he keeps them in hives in his back garden.

Cherisse Mulzac a început să observe albine în apartamentul ei în urmă cu un an, dar nu a acordat prea mare importanță acestui fapt. În cele din urmă i s-a dovedit că acesta a fost începutul sfârșitului…

Apoi, într-o zi, din senin, a început să găsească pe pereți o substanță ciudată, lipicioasă, care se scurgea peste tot, și și-a dat seama că era miere! Așa că, desigur, a chemat un apicultor. Dar avem îndoieli că se aștepta la ce a urmat…

Imaginile uimitoare îl arată pe Mickey Hegedus (52 de ani), specialist în invazii de acest tip, făcând o gaură de peste un metru în tavanul femeii, pentru a descoperi nici mai mult nici mai puțin decât aproximativ 35.000 de albine!

A woman who saw honey dripping down her bedroom walls was stunned to discover 35,000 BEES living in her ceiling. See SWNS story SWBEES; Cherisse Mulzac started noticing bees in her apartment a year ago but thought little of it. It wasn’t until she saw a strange, sticky substance dripping down her walls – and realised it was beads of HONEY – that she called in a beekeeper. Astonishing footage shows pest controller Mickey Hegedus, 52, cutting a 4ft-hole in Cherisse’s ceiling – to find approximately 35,000 honeybees. He estimates that he also found 60 to 70lbs.Mickey transported the bees back to his home in Brooklyn, New York where he keeps them in hives in his back garden.

Mickey a aspirat albinele, despre care crede că erau acolo de aproape 2 ani, într-o cutie specială, folosind un aspirator cu presiune mică.

A woman who saw honey dripping down her bedroom walls was stunned to discover 35,000 BEES living in her ceiling. See SWNS story SWBEES; Cherisse Mulzac started noticing bees in her apartment a year ago but thought little of it. It wasn’t until she saw a strange, sticky substance dripping down her walls – and realised it was beads of HONEY – that she called in a beekeeper. Astonishing footage shows pest controller Mickey Hegedus, 52, cutting a 4ft-hole in Cherisse’s ceiling – to find approximately 35,000 honeybees. He estimates that he also found 60 to 70lbs.Mickey transported the bees back to his home in Brooklyn, New York where he keeps them in hives in his back garden.

Iată ce a declarat el: ,,Am avut un șoc. Cred că albinele trebuie să fi stat acolo de vreo 2 ani, fără ca ea să își dea seama, și, până când am ajuns eu trebuie să fi fost peste 35.000. Nu am mai văzut ceva atât de mare de multă vreme. A trebuit să fiu foarte atent, nu voiam să vină toate peste mine. A fost un proces lent – a durat aproape șase ore.”

A woman who saw honey dripping down her bedroom walls was stunned to discover 35,000 BEES living in her ceiling. See SWNS story SWBEES; Cherisse Mulzac started noticing bees in her apartment a year ago but thought little of it. It wasn’t until she saw a strange, sticky substance dripping down her walls – and realised it was beads of HONEY – that she called in a beekeeper. Astonishing footage shows pest controller Mickey Hegedus, 52, cutting a 4ft-hole in Cherisse’s ceiling – to find approximately 35,000 honeybees. He estimates that he also found 60 to 70lbs.Mickey transported the bees back to his home in Brooklyn, New York where he keeps them in hives in his back garden.

Cherisse a păstrat aproape toată mierea, iar aproape 9 kilograme le-a fost dată albinelor, care aveau și ele nevoie de puțină înapoi pentru a supraviețui.

Apicultorul a transportat albinele acasă la el, unde le ține în stupuri, în grădina din spatele casei sale. Noua lor casă trebuia să se afle la peste 3 kilometri distanță de casa femeii de unde tocmai fuseseră luate, dacă voiau ca ele să nu se întoarcă în casa ei.

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