E foarte frumoasă și diferită dar, cu toate acestea, mulți când se uită la fața ei se strâmbă. Uimitor ce are pe față și cum nu o oprește să fie model (foto)


Un fotomodel cu un semn uriaș de naștere pe față, care e deseori confundat cu un tatuaj facial, își arată frumusețea atât de diferită pentru a le arăta altora că se poate și altfel.

Mariana Mendes, 24 de ani, din Juiz de Fora, Brazilia, își sfidează criticii în ciuda faptului că i se spune că semnul ei congenital, din naștere, este urât și dubios.

Ea consideră că semnul ei de naștere o face să fie unică și a învățat să îl iubească pentru că o ajută să se remarce între atâția oameni.

La vârsta de 5 ani a făcut 3 operații cu laser pentru a diminua semnul, pentru că mama ei se temea că va fi batjocorită la școală. Dar în loc să fie stânjenită, Mariana și-a acceptat semnul și se mândrește cu el în diferite serii de fotografii de model.

Ea este asistenta unui stilist și a spus că se simte frumoasă și total diferită de ceilalți oameni datorită semnului.

Sunt oameni cărora le place și altora cărora nu. Nu mă supăr atunci când mi se spune că e urât. Pentru mine e ca orice altă parte a corpului meu, așa că prefer să îmi amintesc complimentele pe care le primesc pentru el”.

PICS BY MARIANA MENDES / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: From a young age Marianas mother tried to remove the birthmark fearing she would hate how it looked, paying for three treatments, in actuality she loves it and thinks it makes her unique) – A model with a large birthmark thats often confused for a facial tattoo is flaunting her difference to show others its beautiful.Mariana Mendes, 24, from Juiz de Fora, Brazil, is defying her critics despite being told that her large congenital melanocytic nevus was ugly and strange. She believes her birthmark makes her unique and has learned to love it, as it helps her to stand out from everyone else. At five-years-old she underwent three laser surgery treatments to reduce the appearance of her nevus as her mother feared she would be bullied. But instead of being embarrassed, Mariana embraces her difference and has shown it off in a series of stunning modelling shots. – SEE CATERS COPY
PICS BY MARIANA MENDES / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: Having learned to love her birthmark called a congenital melanocytic nevus that stretches across the centre of her face she proudly models and shows off her good looks, she thinks the birthmark makes her unique and defies people who think its ugly or a tattoo) – A model with a large birthmark thats often confused for a facial tattoo is flaunting her difference to show others its beautiful.Mariana Mendes, 24, from Juiz de Fora, Brazil, is defying her critics despite being told that her large congenital melanocytic nevus was ugly and strange. She believes her birthmark makes her unique and has learned to love it, as it helps her to stand out from everyone else. At five-years-old she underwent three laser surgery treatments to reduce the appearance of her nevus as her mother feared she would be bullied. But instead of being embarrassed, Mariana embraces her difference and has shown it off in a series of stunning modelling shots. – SEE CATERS COPY

PICS BY MARIANA MENDES / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: Having learned to love her birthmark called a congenital melanocytic nevus that stretches across the centre of her face she proudly models and shows off her good looks, she thinks the birthmark makes her unique and defies people who think its ugly or a tattoo) – A model with a large birthmark thats often confused for a facial tattoo is flaunting her difference to show others its beautiful.Mariana Mendes, 24, from Juiz de Fora, Brazil, is defying her critics despite being told that her large congenital melanocytic nevus was ugly and strange. She believes her birthmark makes her unique and has learned to love it, as it helps her to stand out from everyone else. At five-years-old she underwent three laser surgery treatments to reduce the appearance of her nevus as her mother feared she would be bullied. But instead of being embarrassed, Mariana embraces her difference and has shown it off in a series of stunning modelling shots. – SEE CATERS COPY

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